Saturday, September 12, 2009

Well, I was all excited about posting last night but had nothing to tell. Jake went to Grace's for pizza, basketball & uno and Derek went to a surprise birthday party. I was hoping to get my laundry room cleaned but no, I sat on the couch and watched TV.

Tonight Derek is duck hunting and I am awaiting his arrival.

Jake has friends over and is grilling on the deck. He has been so great to let me take some photos...thanks!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Night Fun

First of all, it appears I will only be a weekend blogger. Unless something crazy fun happens during the week, I just can't see me having the time to post.'ll have to wait until Fridays.

I totally forgot to take pictures of the festivities at the house last night. Derek and Josh prepared "slider" patties for their tailgate tonight. I was so impressed with the precision while sculpting the patties...they even washed their hands. Josh brought over probably 7 different spices (I was embarrassed to ask what all of them were). So tonight they tailgated before the game. I took a picture but it didn't turn out. :(

Derek is gone for the weekend hunting so Jake and his friends are our source of entertainment. Tonight he has a couple of friends over soaking in the hot tub.
More fun to come....enjoy your weekend & be safe!